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Understanding The Star Children: Insights into the Indigo Crystal and Rainbow Phenomenon

Writer's picture: laura zibaleselaura zibalese

Part 1 of our Star Children Series: The 1st Wave Indigo Children

Who are the Star Children?

Understanding the Star Chidren: Indigo, Crystal, and  Rainbow Children.

In essence, Star Children, known as the Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children, are souls who have lived on many worlds or higher dimensions and have advanced their spiritual vibration to a high level.

They are now incarnating on Earth to help elevate the entire planet and all souls on it to that higher vibrational rate.

The Star Children are Lightworkers, here on a mission to make this world a better place, through change, compassion, and healing. They understand on a soul level that they are here with a greater purpose and are relatively selfless souls. Many have incarnated on Earth in the distant past, left to incarnate on other worlds, and are now returning to help Earth advance humanity.

This article series will take a deeper look into the Star Children individually: beginning with The Indigo Children.

Who are the Indigo Children?

The Indigo's are the first of the three waves of Star Children.

Indigo children were first described in the 1970s by a San Diego parapsychologist, Nancy Ann Tappe, who noticed the emergence of children with an indigo aura, a vibrational color she had never seen before. This color, she reasoned, coincided with a new consciousness. The indigo children.” According to her, this was a new wave of highly spiritually evolved souls reincarnating on Earth born to start a spiritual evolution for all humans.

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Where does the Indigo designation come from?

Indigo Children the first wave of Star Children

The term Indigo child comes from the Indigo Chakra which is highly developed in these children and denotes a high spiritual vibrational rate. This chakra is the center of universal consciousness, clarity, knowledge, and intuition. It makes the link between the world and our soul clearer. This chakra, also called Ajna is meant to inspire reflection and self-awareness while enhancing your sixth sense. You may know it better as the third eye chakra.

Indigo children are born with this pure spiritual energy integrating into their bodies.

The Three Waves of Indigo Children

Three levels have been distinguished: Indigo wave 1, wave 2, and wave 3.

  • Indigo Wave 1. Their vibrational frequency is around 4 to 4.6 Hz.

    Their sixth chakra is well-developed.

  • Indigo Wave 2. Their vibratory frequency is around 4.7 to 5.3 Hz.

  • Indigo Wave 3. Their vibratory frequency is around 5.4 to 5.9 Hz.

The first wave of Indigo Children...began incarnating around 1965. Often thought of as the Path Finders, Gate Keepers, or even the Sign Posts. It was/is their job to clear the path for the next generations of star children coming in. They are the down-to-earth old souls here to show you all the potentials...the paths that are open to you...and help you see that you can choose any or all of need not be pigeonholed ever.

The second wave of Indigo Children came at a bit of a disadvantage as they had a higher vibrational rate than the human bodies had yet evolved to accept. These souls knew this before coming in and accepted this as part of the experience.

Indigo Children vibrate at a higher frequency from birth.

As their vibrational frequency often was slightly higher than the body was ready for, the children born between 1978 and 1989 often had issues with ADHD and hyperactivity. Their energy was often too high for their bodies and they could take well into their 20s to gain a balance and adjust their bodies to accommodate the energy frequency. While the majority have managed it, some will always feel like they just don't fit into their bodies.

This wave of Indigo Children internally “knows” they have a mission but cannot always tell what it is...they often find it hard to clarify their purpose, but seek it nonetheless.

1995 was the year when the majority of children were born with a pure indigo aura.

The third wave of Indigo Children, born between 1978 and 1995, found their Indigo vibration was solidified at birth and their mission, whether consciously known or not is an intrinsic part of their internal psyche. They have a mission and they know it...even if they cannot articulate it. This wave is not so quiet about its mission and is more willing to take the spotlight and lead the way.

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The third wave of Indigo Children is the most advanced, highest Indigo vibration, wise, spiritual, independent, stubborn, encouraging, and supportive. They are the ones who wish to coexist and listen to all sides of every story. They know there are a million shades of gray...and ask you to be flexible. To flow like water. They are never easily swayed from what they think is right or just but will hear you out and be open to

all possibilities.

Indigo Children are often pychic and develop these traits as they get older.

They were the first Star Children born with a world already prepared for where they could grow, share their knowledge, expand their consciousness of self, and help elevate that of others. They are teachers, philosophers, psychics, psychologists, and those who help others find themselves.

They came to be of service and help the world grow.

They bring opportunities for growth and enlightenment free of constraints and tell you to chart your path. If traditional this-or-that is not right for you...find what is!

Characteristics of the Star Children: Indigo Children

Indigo's are spiritual warriors...they came in to uproot and overturn the old structures such as the legal system, education, industry, and business anywhere there is a lack of integrity. Wherever corruption is Indigo's will shine a light on it. They have strong ethics, and internal morals, and are often idealists who see a better way, but are also individualists who want to point it out but not force it upon you. They have a strong sense of integrity, an even stronger sense of individualism, and a desire for all to be free. They are not easily manipulated, they have strong values and intuitively intuitively recognize manipulations and lies...on all scales.

Indigo Children are extremely intelligent: They tend to have high IQ scores. However, issues such as ADHD and Dyslexia often plague them due to their bodies functioning at a slightly lower vibrational rate than their spirits.

Indigo Star Children are often empaths and very intelligent.

Emotionally: Indigo children are extremely sensitive to their emotions, which helps them be empathetic toward others.

Are often empaths, curious, and strong-willed. Are frequently perceived by friends and family as being odd or strange.

Indigos possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose. Show a strong innate subconscious spirituality from early childhood (which does not necessarily imply an interest in religious areas.)

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An Indigo child is said to possess strong intuition and varying spiritual gifts, is often psychic, and clairvoyant, and usually possesses otherworldly abilities.

The indigo children often had more freedom than the earlier generations, as their parents were more of the “live and let live” kind. The first two waves make up the majority of Gen X...think of 1/3rd of the kids of this generation, the latchkey kids, the ones who were very independent, self-reliant, adventurous, and didn't have a lot of need for or at times respect of authority, preferring to find their own way...this is quintessentially the first two waves of indigo children.

Indigo Children know before they are born that they have a mission.

Indigo children are known as rebels, they do not tolerate themselves or anyone else being treated unfairly. They have an inborn sense of right and wrong, ethics, a highly developed internal morality, and will fight hard for the underdog or any cause they may take up.

However, they will often do it quietly, in the background...preparing the path for those who will be in the spotlight later. They do not generally look for attention, validation, or even acceptance as they intuitively know their path and do not fear walking it...even if they must walk it alone.

Indigo's have a strong need for independence and to feel completely free in their choices. They have a hard time with authority and hierarchy if they do not represent high values and are fair in their eyes.

Characteristics of Indigo Children:

  • They were born in three waves- 1965, 1978, 1995

  • They are “old souls”

  • They are Stubborn and strong-willed

  • They are spiritual warriors ready to tear down what is wrong

  • They are not afraid to try new things and are very creative

  • They are headstrong

  • They are creative

  • They can be prone to addictions, particularly the 2nd wave

  • They often have problems with authority.

  • They tend to be impatient and easily frustrated as children

  • They are intuitive or psychic

  • They have a strong sense of self

  • They tend to isolate

  • They are often Idealists and individualists wanting you to find your path

    Understanding the Star Chidren: Indigo, Crystal, and  Rainbow Children.

    Thank you, for reading

    Understanding The Star Children: The 1st Wave Indigo Children

    Next, Part 2: The Crystal Children and Part 3: The Rainbow Children

    Order a Psychic Reading with Laura: Book Now


Tel: 619-270-6752

Laura Zibalese

Psychic Medium

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