Part 2 of our Star Children series: The Crystal Children
Who are the Star Children?

In essence, they are souls who have lived on many worlds, planets, or higher dimensions and have advanced their spiritual vibration to a high level.
They are now incarnating on Earth to help elevate the entire planet and all souls on it, to that higher vibrational rate.
This article will look at the second wave of Star Children: the Crystal Children.
The Star Children are Lightworkers here on a mission to make this world a better place, through change, compassion, and healing. They understand on a soul level that they are here with a greater purpose and are relatively selfless souls. Many have incarnated on Earth in
the distant past left to incarnate on other worlds, and are now returning to help Earth advance humanity.
Let us take a deeper look into the Crystal Star Children

What is a Crystal Child?
Crystal Children were born between 1990-2010, usually after 2001. They have come to steer humanity towards love and peace, and to elevate this part of our vibration thus leading us away from hate and aggression.
Crystal children are the second wave of the Star Children, who God or Source sends to help mankind evolve to higher states of being. They are well aware of their purpose for being sent to Earth. They know that God sent them to help the world.
These children can talk about people who have passed away, whom they never knew as if they knew them. Many are natural-born spiritual Channels or Mediums.
Crystal children often communicate telepathically with those around them and can sense things others cannot.
Often pregnant women carrying a Crystal Child will take on some of the child's abilities becoming clairvoyant or communicating telepathically with their child. Due to their telepathic abilities, they often verbally communicate very little until around age three or four. Book a Psychic Reading with Laura: Book Now

These children are like Indigo's—highly psychic and sensitive—but without the dark edge and the anger energy. The name, Crystal Children is already taking hold worldwide, and people everywhere are talking about these special kids.
Crystal Children have auras of pure white light, and when seen through spirit eyes, look like angels come down to earth. They are sensitive, loving, and often seemingly distant or in their own worlds. They can be fragile at times as this world's dense dark energy if often hard for them to bare.
They are here to learn about emotions on a deeper level than most which is why many suffer from anxiety, depression, or even bipolar and autism as they are absorbing and learning to process emotion on a deeper level. While highly evolved in many ways, many are new to the extremes of emotions the Earth plane allows for and this can be overwhelming for them...particularly when they are very young.
What is the behavior of a crystal child?
Crystal Children are very forgiving but also sensitive, warm, and caring. These traits mustn't be confused with weakness, as these children are very powerful. They also have the ability to talk to people who passed away and truly enjoy nature and the beauty of this world. They love animals, sea life, and trees, and feel a kinship to nature, often more than they do to other people, as they find nature and animals more aligned with their own spiritual energy. Book a Psychic Reading with Laura: Book Now

Crystal children possess special spiritual gifts and are often diagnosed with autism or on the autism spectrum. At the same time, the Crystal children are unique in their ability to say what's on their minds and bring light, love, and joy to others. They can be a bit blunt in their truth-telling at times but it is generally because deception is not part of their nature. It takes them time to learn diplomacy...and they are often upset to find their words, truthful as they are, may have hurt someone's feelings. Love is their goal, and kindness is innate to them so hurting another hurts them as deeply.
Crystals fascinate them
As their name implies Crystal Children are very drawn to crystals. Normally, crystal children are fairly easygoing, but if they see a crystal, they quite demanding until you get that specific crystal for them. They do not have a long list of needs; they are very simple children who enjoy the nature and beauty of the world, but for them, crystals are very hard to resist.

For a crystal child, a crystal holds great importance as the crystal is a healing object and these children have an instinct to help and heal others. They have a forgiving and loving nature, and do all they can to help. Many of these children are reincarnations of souls who lived on Earth during the time of Lemuria and resonate with the vibrational energy held in crystals for love, healing, psychic awareness, and many other reasons, as they use them during that time on Earth.
Having special abilities, many people do not understand them and find them odd or even abnormal...but once you spend time with them and learn about see they are nothing of the sort.
Characteristics of Crystal Children:
· Tend to have long-lasting relationships
· Often enjoy music
· Are sensitive to small things
· Are of a very calm presence
· Are good at mediating Book a Psychic Reading with Laura: Book Now
How are crystal children different from indigo children?
In contrast to the fiery spirit of the Indigo ready to fight the good fight...Crystal Children are seen to be happy and even-tempered. Crystals may have occasional tantrums, but Crystals are largely peaceful and forgiving, loving, sensitive, empathetic, and creative.

Unlike a crystal child, an indigo child often does not have a clear idea about its purpose for being sent to Earth but feels it deep down, while Crystal Children know...even if they don't articulate it.
Indigo children are often frustrated feeling misunderstood and wish to be able to convey their messages more clearly, while Crystal Children are usually well understood by those around them making their time on earth much more enjoyable.
Additionally, the inner knowing they have a mission or purpose but often find it hard to clarify it can be hard for Indigo's who see so much but feel others do not listen. As the pathfinders and signposts, they work hard to forge the way and simply want those who come after to make use of the direction signs they left behind on their spiritual journeys.

Crystals on the other hand have a different mission. They absorb energy, process it, and send it out at a higher vibration to elevate everyone and everything...but they are fully unaware of it on a conscious level, and simply do it, allowing them to be more relaxed and enjoy the world.
Indigo and Crystal generations are highly sensitive and psychic. The main difference is their temperaments; while the Indigos are fiery, Crystals are blissful and even-tempered.
Thank you for reading
Understanding The Chrystal Children: PT 2 The Second Wave of Star Children
PT 3 coming soon
Book a Psychic Reading with Laura: Book Now