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The Afterlife: What Happens to Souls After Sudden Death

Writer: laura zibaleselaura zibalese

The Afterlife Series: Part 2

The Afterlife: what happens to a soul after sudden death?
What happens to souls after a sudden death?

Have you ever wondered what happens to a soul after a sudden death?

The topic of the afterlife has intrigued and puzzled humanity for centuries. In this post, we will Explore the mysteries of the afterlife and what happens to souls after sudden death. Discover visitations, soul growth, and psychic awakenings.

The Soul's Journey

When a person experiences a sudden death, there is often a sense of shock and disbelief surrounding the circumstances of their passing. The sudden death of a loved one can cause a ripple effect of distress, uncertainty, confusion, and fear that your loved one is not settled or in a peaceful place. Not to mention the confusion the deceased themselves may be feeling.

This experience of death often intensifies when the person in question is a young, vibrant person, who has passed before their time. Or at least, before we and others had expected them to pass.

Many wonder what happens to the soul in such situations.

Questions fill our grieving minds:

  • Are they all right?

  • Did they make it safely to the other side?

  • Were they alone or afraid?

  • Will they come to visit me?

In nearly all belief systems and religious traditions, the soul embarks on a journey after death. But what about Sudden Death? What happens then?


Angels come to help a soul when it dies suddenly.
Angels are often at our side in sudden death.

Angels are often present when a person dies to comfort and assist them as they enter the Ethereal Plane and eventually escort them to the Astral Plane, which many think of as Heaven.

In the case of Sudden Death, this is almost always true, especially when a child dies a sudden death.

Angels know the soul's plan and if this is the time for them to return to spirit, Angels will not interfere, but they will give comfort, guidance, and unconditional love no matter who the soul is.

While the souls of departed loved ones are often at our side when we die, in the case of Sudden death, an Angel is sent to guide the soul on most occasions. Either way, souls are not left alone unless they wish to be.


From a karmic perspective, an early death could be a blessing in disguise:

Sometimes an early death could be a blessing; a person may have worked out as much of their karma as they can do in their current lifetime, and that’s as far as they’re going to go. One way of looking at karma is that an accident is a relatively quick way to move on.

From the deceased person's perspective, an early death can be exhilarating, confusing, and intense. Some find it fascinating and amazing. Some feel regret.

Each person/soul is unique; the deceased can feel many feelings about this transition.

For example:

When you die, your spirit all of a sudden is no longer confined to a human body. You become the whizzing, vibrating ball of energy that you always were – except now your energy is no longer contained by a physical body. What happens after death is that your thoughts and intentions take you to places and people in a flash, in a way that you never could when you were physical. This shift in perspective can cause a sense of confusion, sometimes it’s a sense of shock, especially when the death was sudden, traumatic, or unexpected.

Psychic Mediums can often help with this through a psychic reading.


From a spiritual perspective, an early death often acts as a catalyst to awaken spiritual psychic gifts in others still living.

This perspective is widely known in the psychic community, but not as well understood or known to the general public - that the gift to sense the departed often awakens quite quickly after someone close to that person, their family, or that friend group, dies. Thus the sudden death of a loved one becomes a catalyst to spiritual and psychic awakening and is often one of the main reasons a soul will choose to depart suddenly.

Often this early passing or sudden death was planned in spirit long before their birth to aid those around them on earth to grow as souls and as individuals. Often after such a passing you will hear people say things like: the person was the light of the community. The shining star to all whose lives they touched- Becoming a true beacon of hope and inspiration.

If this person awakened that light in others in their living life, now think of how powerful this work can become in death.

Those who we love don't go away.
You never lose those you love.

Some souls choose to sacrifice their own lives so that others may grow as part of their soul group contract or agreement, however, this choice is confirmed by the over-soul leading up to whatever sudden event took their lives, allowing them to get out of the early death or this life path if they so choose. Usually, this soul choice occurs unconsciously, on a soul level. When the soul chooses to go through with it, they may choose a sudden death desiring to get it done quickly.

While sudden death is one way a soul can become a catalyst for positive is not the only option; there are as many as a soul could think up in ten thousand years. None are right or wrong...simply a choice.

For example:

Someone may agree to live this life as the villain, the adversary, or the anti-hero - Helping to initiate darkness in others, so that it may later bring out their inner light. In doing this, this person sacrifices their ability to experience, give, and receive love during their lifetime. A conscious choice the soul may make that is intended to open the ability for others to experience pure and unconditional love instead.

Think of a soul group coming back together to learn and grow, independence, self-love, tenacity, forgiveness, and compassion; these may be some of the main lessons they choose to work accomplish this one brave soul will volunteer to play the part of the challenger...the villain, adversary, or anti-hero for the group...and becomes the raging alcoholic father each of the members has to learn from.

For some inner strength will blossom...some will struggle to learn to love themselves or break free and be independent knowing their happiness is not dependent on this person. Some will learn about forgiveness, some may ask why is he doing this, and develop deeper compassion and understanding.

So, being a catalyst for positive change can come in many forms...Sudden death is just one. No, not all alcoholics are playing this role; but for those who are playing some form of the villain the soul groups almost always appreciate the sacrifice they are making on their behalf.

Regardless of the reason for the passing – whether it was as a sacrifice to help others grow, as a lesson for the individual soul and their own Karma, or even just an accident...yes, some deaths are simply accidents, often due to another person's free will colliding with our own, each sudden death has a meaning and an opportunity for growth for the soul and all those who knew them in life.

If you are coping with the sudden death of a loved one:

Expect visitations: Most souls leave the physical or earthly plane immediately after death and enter the Ethereal plane. It is quite common for spirits or souls of the departed to hang around there for the first 7-10 days following their passing. Many even attend their own funerals. They often wish to stay to be sure their loved ones are okay and to offer whatever comfort they can. It is from this Ethereal plane most recently passed spirits communicate with humans the most. This is particularly true for the souls of those who died Sudden deaths. Their need to be sure you are okay is usually quite high.

What Is the Ethereal Plane?

The Ethereal plane is a boundary plane that keeps the Physical or Earthly Plane & Inner Planes separate from the Astral Plane or sea and the Outer higher Planes of existence.

Once this time in the Ethereal Plane is over most souls move on to the Astral Plane and the divine realms.

After a sudden death souls often come to visit.
Visitations from souls after sudden death.

Now visitations often take a short break while the person/soul in question acclimates to being a spirit again, and goes to a sort of spirit school life review that generally lasts 3-8 months. After which, visitations often resume. Of course, this all depends on them - their soul, their future life path, and other factors such as the soul's experience.

After a sudden death, most people are afraid to ask...but you might be surprised to know just how many of their friends and family have had some form of visitation. Your loved one may come to you in an astral form...what most call a ghost, communicates in some form of telepathic messages, sends an emotional sense of well-being, visits in our dreams, moves things, or plays with electronics...anything to let you know they are okay and that you don't need to worry...and to let you know they are close by and they love you.

Don't be afraid to let others know you are looking for signs, they may be relieved to hear it.

Psychic Mediums can often help with this through a psychic reading.

Visitations and Signs

Friends of the deceased usually receive visitation confirmations within hours or days after the crossing. Who they visit and when usually has nothing to do with love or care or who is more important than whom, it has more to do with time and using it wisely - meaning they'll likely contact the first persons who they think they'll have the best chance getting through to in this chaotic time.

Unfortunately, this means it is often not the most grief-stricken person themselves that gets contacted first; it is often someone less emotional and more psychically open who the passed loved one can most easily get through to. Heavy grief most often blocks us from the calmness of mind and spirit needed for spirit communication.

Spirits can communicate using animals as well. If you are looking for animal signs, the key animal sign is to pay attention to what is what is out of the ordinary for you. The deceased can communicate with animals much like the living can. Animals, birds, and many insects can see far more along the visible light spectrum than we humans can, so they can be excellent indicators of a presence that we could otherwise not be able to see.

So, if something very unusual has occurred after the death of your loved one, chances are, it is a true visitation. If it’s just a random tapping or a bird you typically see around that shows up, well, it’s probably just something animals do. So keep looking. It will usually be something a snow-white rabbit in the wild, an eagle that sits on the fence much longer than usual looking straight at you, or a hummingbird that hovers right in front of you rather than zooms off quickly.

Most importantly, though, don't rule anything out.

Even if other people think you're being a bit nuts, they'll thank you later. Your awareness of the signs will help them become more aware for the next time they get a visitation themselves, a visitation they may have otherwise missed, if not for your persistence. So pay attention to any extra suspicious activity after the immediate or sudden death of a loved one, as it all could be a potential sign or a message from your loved one.

After a sudden death what do souls want to say most?

Most commonly, especially in the first days after their crossing or sudden death, it's a simple message of awareness, such as: Hey, I'm still here!

Or it could be a sharing of a reflection, disbelief, or an emotional release about their death, such as: Wow, isn't this crazy? I'm a spirit now AND you can see me! This is great! Wow. Nuts. I can't believe it. Wild. Okay, gotta go!

Or if it was a mysterious death, they could need your help or want to aid those looking into their deaths. Psychic Mediums can often help with this through a psychic reading.

Either way . . .

Experiencing a visitation in the early days after a crossing is a beautiful sign that your loved one is doing well.

It means that this person is actively going through the stages of crossing and on their way making the rounds to see everyone before they officially depart for the spirit world. No worries about becoming an earthbound soul here!

And soon after they settle into their new life in the spirit world, their ability to communicate with the living will improve. Meaning, you'll be hearing from them again real soon and for a long time to come. In time these souls will likely return and reincarnate...most who die Suddenly may choose to wait until those in their soul group have also returned to spirit and can join them in the next exciting adventure on the physical or earthly plane.

To recap:

  •  Visitations are quite common during the 7-10 days immediately following a death. Then they break off until after completing their life review, then your loved one will be back.

  •  To know if a visitation has occurred, keep in mind: that you are looking for voices, touch, smells, emotions, energy, mists, the movement of odd objects, unusual noises in the home, specifically poignant dreams.

  •  If you haven't experienced one yet, don't worry. Ask around to see if others have. Then give yourself some time to calm down and rest. One will come when it's time when you are more open and not grieving so heavily, you'll know when it finally does happen.

  •  If you have experienced one, you are not likely to be the only one who has. Don't be afraid to talk about your experiences, compare them openly with others, and initiate a conversation about them. Quite frankly, it's not all that out of the ordinary, and don't be surprised if you do not have another one for a takes a lot of energy for souls to connect with the physical world.

When our psychic ability to communicate with spirit is “turned on” so to speak after the loss of a loved one, know you are likely not the only one. We think that it's only us because most people are quiet about what they see and hear. After all, they fear hurting those in grief, speaking out of place, or being labeled a bit crazy. When the truth is, that most people experience a visitation after the sudden loss of a loved one - and sometimes - from many miles away. Remember the psychic ability to communicate or sense spirit following a death, especially a Sudden Death - will stick with you.

What you do with it after that is up to you.

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one a psychic reading may help you connect with your loved one.

To book a reading with Laura:


Tel: 619-270-6752

Laura Zibalese

Psychic Medium

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