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  • Laura Zibalese

The 7 Archangels: Exploring Their Powerful Meanings and Divine Roles

Today we will explore the 7 Archangels, their powerful meanings, and the divine roles they play.

The seven Archangels Archangel Michael

For many a belief in heaven is a given...but how does it operate? Well, I like to say God is a great delegator and there is indeed a hierarchy in heaven which, many believe, places the 7 Archangels firmly at the top, right beside God, while others may say it is the Seraphim who are in that position.

I would say both sides are right to some extent, depending on your faith, or belief system, however, the Angelich Hierarchy can be a bit confusing. Yes, the Seraphim are the angels who serve God, as do the Archangels...the difference is that the Seraphim do not interact with mankind, they serve God rather exclusively. The Archangels, on the other hand, are the highest Angels that interact with both God and humans.

The 7 Archangels are immensely powerful beings who play a vital role throughout the universe in both the physical and spiritual realms. The number of Archangels in existence isn’t fully known, but there are 7, in particular, that stand out from the rest whom we will look at.

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What is an Archangel?

The word Archangel has its origins in the Greek language and translates as "Chief Angel."

Archangels means Cheif Angels

The term "Archangel" is almost exclusively associated with Abrahamic faiths, specifically Judaism and Christianity, also appear within Islam.

This title Archangel/Chief Angel highlights the importance of these heavenly beings. They are, in essence, extensions of God and are often ranked as being the 2nd highest spiritual beings in the heavenly realms.

It is the role of these Archangels, not only, to watch over humanity and the other angels but the very fabric of the universe itself.

Concepts such as time or the physical nature of our dimension are controlled and maintained by specific Archangels, each holding a specific role. These beings are often described as healers, and while they may use our souls as repair platforms capable of healing both the mind and the body.

Although there are only two Archangels mentioned by name within the canonical Bible those of Gabriel and Michael, there were originally 7 Archangels mentioned within the Book of Enoch. This includes Ariel, Raphael, Azrael, Jophiel, and Chamuel.

This book of Enoch was decreed non-canonical by Pope Damasus I sometime in the 4th century but is still considered an important source of information on the angels.

The 7 Archangels and Their Divine Roles and Meanings

Let us explore the 7 primary Archangels and their divine roles and meanings. The name given to an Archangel often translates to reveal their role or purpose. We will also consider some situations that may lead to you invoking the power of that particular Archangel.

Although none of the Archangels possess a set sex/gender, they often appear in a particular form, the use of he/she describes whether they typically appear as masculine or feminine.

Archangel Michael – He Who is as God/He Who is Like God

Archangel Mihchael  fights for good over evil.

Archangel Michael aka Saint Michael is known to be a spiritual warrior in the battle of good versus evil. He is considered a champion of justice, a healer of the sick, and the guardian of the Church. In art, Archangel Michael is depicted with a sword, a banner, or scales, and is often shown, vanquishing, Satan in the form of a dragon.

Michael is the only Archangel to appear within each book of the main Abrahamic faiths: The Bible, the Torah, and the Qur’an. He is the angel of protection and the most powerful Archangel. Leader of the Angelic realm, including the other Archangels. He Truly is the Chief Angel.

Michael is the Patron of righteousness, mercy, and justice explaining why he is often depicted as a warrior with a sword and shield. He is the first line of heavenly protection against the agents of chaos and evil. We see Michael performing this role within the pages of the Bible.

We see a reference to Archangel Michael disputing the body of Moses with Satan. He doesn’t claim to have the power or wisdom of God, and tells Satan, “The Lord rebuke you.” We also see him appear in the Book of Revelations, where he fights with a dragon-shaped version of Satan.

Enoch was instrumental in establishing the pre-eminent place of Michael among the angels or archangels and, in later Jewish works, he is said to be their chief, mediating the Torah (the law of God), and standing at the right hand of the throne of God.

Archangel Gabriel – The Strength/Hero of God

Archangel Gabriel the messanger of God.

The Archangel Gabriel is perhaps the most widely known of all the Archangels. He is the holy messenger of God, which is exactly the duty we see him perform within the pages of the Bible. There are three mentions of Gabriel:

Gabriel appears to the Prophet Daniel to help him realize the message in his visions about the coming Messiah.

To book a Psychic Reading: Book Now Gabriel appears again to Zachariah to inform him of the coming birth of John the Baptist.

Finally, and perhaps most famously, Gabriel appears to the Virgin Mary to tell her about the Lord’s plan for the birth of his Son, and the role Mary would play in God’s plan.

Archangel Ariel – The Lion of God

Archangel Ariel the lion of God.

The lion is often considered the King of the jungle, and in a way, Ariel receives the title of Lion due to her dominion over the creatures and plants of this world. Rather than being a king, however, she cares for all life and tries to maintain peace among these creatures of nature.

Ariel is also responsible for the four elements: Earth, wind, fire, and water. Those wishing to protect the environment should pray to Ariel as her mission is to protect Mother Earth and to see her thrive.

She guides humanity on their journey to protect nature. She even uses animals as a communication method, so rather than appearing in dreams or visions, you are far more likely to receive a message from Ariel through an animal, such as a hummingbird.

Archangel Azrael – The Angel of God/The Angel of Destruction and Renewal

Archangel Azrael known as the Angel of Death.

Although Azrael is known as the Angel of God, his name has many meanings. You may hear him being referred to as The Angel of Destruction and Renewal, or even The Angel of Death.

Some believe that the Grim Reaper is a reference to Azrael and the function he plays within this universe. Archangel Azrael doesn’t cause death. His role is similar to that of the god Anubis from Ancient Egyptian mythology who escorted the dead to the afterlife.

He comforts those who have just died and helps lead their souls across the boundary between life and death, often referred to as "the void" or "astral plane." Azrael’s comfort isn’t just for the dead but also for the living.

Those suffering through grief after losing a loved one will often pray to Archangel Azrael or invoke his healing powers. Azrael also manages and records all aspects of life on Earth, including keeping track of each new birth and death.

Archangel Raphael – It is God who Heals

Archangel Rapael the healing angel

As his name suggests, Archangel Raphael focuses on healing. His powers are not limited to healing people, as he also aims to guide the healers of Earth- doctors, nurses, therapists, gurus, spiritual guides, and many others.

After all, healing doesn’t have to be limited to the physical body. Raphael is capable of guiding you through mental health problems (including addiction) and spiritual problems (such as a lack of faith).

Raphael aims to maintain peace and harmony throughout the realms, including the spiritual and physical worlds.

Many people will pray to Raphael for healing but, it is important to remember that he also protects travelers, so if you’re going on a journey of any kind (including a spiritual journey) you can always invoke the powers of Archangel Raphael.

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Archangel Jophiel – The Beauty of the Lord/Divine Beauty

Archangel  Jophiel angel of beauty

The role of Archangel Jophiel may sound rather trivial compared to the other Archangels. After all, what is beauty in comparison to healing or strength? But Jophiel is responsible for ALL beauty, which includes beautiful thoughts and positive emotions.

When we see only the negative side of life it is Archangel Jophiel, who guides us back to positivity. If you ever find yourself suddenly lost in admiration of the beauty held by a seemingly minor or insignificant aspect of the world, this is likely the work of Jophiel.

She will attempt to teach you the natural beauty of the universe so you can remain in a positive space. Many people pray to Jophiel or invoke her power when they wish to return to a positive mindset or cleanse themselves of negative energy.

If you find yourself drifting from your spiritual path, reach out to Jophiel, and ask for her guidance. She also plays a major role in helping to boost the creative processes of the mind, including imagination. So, if you need a creative boost, try invoking her creative power.

Archangel Chamuel – He Who Sees God/He Who Seeks God

Archangel Chamuel is the Archangel of connections.
The bringer of peace.

Archangel Chamuel is the Archangel of connections. While his role is to bring peace to the world, his function is more practical. Chamuel is capable of seeing all the connections throughout the universe, this includes seeing the connections between people and sending those insights to people when needed.

He understands the very fabric of relationships. Chamuel can find anything and everything in the universe, as it is his responsibility to know where anything is at any given time.

You could describe this Archangel as being the eyes of God, but his name comes from the fact that he is one of the few beings who can see God directly without any consequences.

People pray to Chamuel wishing to bring peace to a situation, which might be peace to a nation or peace to your mind or relationship. Similarly, his powers can be invoked when you are trying to find something, even if what you’re searching for is your true self.

Additional Archangels

Of course, the Archangels we’ve just discussed are only the primary Archangels. There are many more, and many we are unaware of. It’s important to remember that all Archangels play a vital role, within the universe.

We can learn more about these spiritual beings by looking at some of the lesser-known angels: Camael, Sachiel, Haniel, and Cassiel.

Archangel Camael also known as Uriel -the Light of God

Archangel Uriel the light bringer.

This is an Archangel known by two names: Camael and Uriel. Although this angel is more commonly known as Uriel, it is important to recognize that the two names apply to the same being. Uriel translates as ‘Light of God’ or ‘God is my Light’. Uriel can even be translated as meaning ‘the Fire of God’.

This angel’s role in the universe is to help humanity, both as individuals and as a species, connect to the divine flow of energy, particularly energies connected to love, connection, and wisdom. You may call upon Uriel/Camael when you wish to receive a new psychological or emotional perspective. She can also help when your energy levels are vibrating at a low frequency.

Archangel Sachiel or Sachael

Archangel Sachiel angel of wealth success and prosperity

Archangel Sachiel (sometimes spelled Sachael) is connected to aspects of your life involving wealth, prosperity, fortune, success, and water. He also connects to aspects of your health, which can be physical, mental, or spiritual.

The energy of this Archangel is known to be particularly soothing and can help you find peace during turbulent times.

You may call upon Sachiel when you need help reconnecting to your deeper spiritual self or finding your way back to a lost path.

Ultimately, this angel will help you to continue your spiritual journey by helping you see all the ways you can grow and develop, both on a spiritual and a personal level.

Archangel Haniel - the Grace of God

Archangel Haniel will help raise your vibration to a higher level

Archangel Haniel is known as the "Grace of God". He holds a connection to your life force energy. This allows him to help guide you to higher vibrational levels by changing your life practices such as eating higher vibrational foods or avoiding habits that lower your vibrational energy.

People will call upon Haniel when they need help finding harmony or protection. This often happens during transition, when going through important life changes but feeling overwhelmed or stressed by the new situations. Haniel will offer guidance allowing you to remain focused, positive, and optimistic.

Archangel Cassiel - the Speed of God

Archangel Cassiel angel of Time.

Archangel Cassiel also goes by the name of Oriphiel and is known as the "Speed of God". He is also known as the "Father of Time" due to being deeply involved with the running of time throughout the universe.

You may call upon Cassiel when struggling with any aspect of time. This tends to be something outside the present - the past or the future. Depression tends to be the result of replaying memories that fill us with negativity.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is worrying about the future that may or may not happen, filling us with dread, fear, and concern. We can also be anchored to the past by a traumatic experience or simply an event that we’ve been unable to let go of.

Cassiel can help guide us, on the path toward healing and letting go of these non-present troubles.

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Be guided to the Correct Archangel

Don’t worry if you’re unsure which Archangel can best help you in any given situation. As we already discussed, humanity is not aware of all the Archangels.

Archangel are the servants of God.

There may be one that could offer precisely the help you seek, and yet their name has not been recorded in human history. Calling out to a specific Archangel is just one way to ask for help, but there are other options.

For example, if you have a specific issue and can not decide the best Archangel to call upon, you can reach out into the spiritual realm and ask for guidance.

Another idea is to communicate your problem to your guardian angels and spirit guides and ask for their assistance in finding the correct Archangel.

Not only with one of the 7 archangels but you can also rely on your intuition to guide you to the right Achangel: look at the names and roles of the Archangels and allow yourself to ‘feel’ which is the best choice.

All Archangels will help you, regardless of who you call out to, so there’s no reason to worry that the one you dialed didn't get the message, some Archangel will.

Archangels in the Bible

The Archangel Michael chief of all angels.
Archangel Michael Vanquiser of Satan

Even though we tend to associate the Archangels with the Bible, and therefore Christianity there is only one Archangel mentioned within scripture. Even though we recognize Gabriel as an Archangel, and he is mentioned within the Bible, there is no direct mention of him being an Archangel.

The only Archangel mentioned by name in the Bible is Michael, leader of the Archangels. He appears five times in total, twice within the New Testament and three times within the Old Testament. In the New Testament Michael is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, where he is described as fighting and defeating Satan.

He is also referred to as an Archangel in the Epistle of Jude. In the Old Testament Michael appears three times within the Book of Daniel. These are the only references to specific Archangels within the Bible.

Archangels in Other Faiths

Israfel, the Archangel in Islam
Israfel, Islamic Archangel

Archangels do appear in many other faiths. For example: in the Quran Michael is again mentioned, as is Gabriel.

We also see Israfel, who is considered to be an Islamic Archangel. However, Archangels appear in a variety of different forms. Different religions have similar figures that aren’t referred to as Archangels.

For example, Ancient Greek faiths had God-like figures responsible for specific aspects of the universe. We see similar things in both Ancient and Modern forms of Paganism.

What we consider an "Archangel" can be better understood by exploring their purpose, within Christianity and other faiths and beliefs.

Purpose and Significance of Archangels

Many more Archangels exist then we have names for.
So many Archangels we don't even know.

So, what have we learned about the function of Archangels? These are beings that are responsible for the functioning of the universe.

They are servants of God who have been given, responsibility for all aspects of existence, such as time, space, or communication.

Some Archangels are here to aid humanity, while others are responsible for things we could not even begin to understand. In the end, all Serve God and help humanity come closer to the Creator of all Things as they aid us in our lives, and along our spiritual journey.

Thank you for reading groundedpsychic.

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