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Writer's picturelaura zibalese

The 12 Universal Laws: Vibrational Energy to Transform Your Life

Updated: Jul 17

cosmic scales of the universal laws wieghing vibrational energy
12 Universal Laws understanding Vibration and Spiritual Energy

When it comes to rules and laws that govern the universe, we often think about those that relate to human society. The universal laws are quite different, and while connected to humanity, they go much deeper than our existence, connecting the entire fabric of reality throughout the material and spiritual realms.

How many universal laws are there? The answer to this question can vary, but we often consider there to be 12. So, what are the 12 laws of the universe? Let’s jump straight into answering that question.

What are the 12 Universal Laws? Vibrational Energy

The importance of these universal laws cannot be understated. Understanding them, and more importantly, living by them is an essential aspect of any spiritual journey.

Many people will naturally adapt and follow the universal laws, even without becoming aware of their existence. By learning about vibrational energy and the 12 universal laws, you can better focus on reaching your full potential.

As we’ll soon see, all these universal laws are connected, and some even sound familiar to one another.

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Let’s list the universal laws in a simple way

Think of each one as being a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, that all connect to form a whole image:

Divine Oneness  The first Universal Law
Divine Oneness The first Universal Law

Divine Oneness

The first law is also the base law. It represents the idea that everything is connected, and everything is one. The smallest action or inaction will ripple through the fabric of reality and create consequences that could be positive, negative, or neutral in nature.

Every choice for something is a choice against something else. And so, every choice is also another ripple, regardless of what it may be.


According to this universal law, there is no such thing as still space or space. Particles exist everywhere, and each of these particles is always in a state of motion or vibration.

You can take something large like the moon or sun or something small like a book or stone, and all will be built of vibrating particles. This law also tells us that everything possesses its own unique vibrational frequency, also known as vibrational energy.

Fibonacci Sequence, which appears on seashells demonstrates the 3rd Universal Law
Fibonacci Sequence


As we continue to explore the universal laws, we reach number 3.

Correspondence is the idea that because of law number 1 (divine oneness), everything is connected in a series of repeating patterns.

One demonstration of this is the Fibonacci Sequence, which appears on seashells just as it does in galaxies.

Nothing is truly random, we’re simply not ready to understand every event.


This law is more widely known than others. It states that to achieve a goal or desire, you must focus your energy on it. Our connection to everything means that our spirituality can work like a magnet, attracting or repelling certain outcomes or events. Only by remaining optimistic can we hope to attract that which we seek.

Inspired Action Meditation is one form of creating vibrational energy
Inspired Action

Inspired Action

Where law number 4 (attraction) focuses more on the visualization element of achieving a goal, inspired action is the next step. We must work towards our desired outcome, not just simply wish for it to happen all on its own. If your goal is to achieve a higher level of spirituality, visualization won’t be enough. You will need to act as well. This could take on many forms, such as meditation or nature walks.

Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Of all the universal laws, this one stands out the most as something you may hear in a physics class. This law states that energy is never destroyed or stopped. Instead, it is always in a state of flux, constantly moving and constantly evolving.

Perpetual Transmutation of Energy like leaves blowing in the the wind
Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

We can’t always see this action since many of these energy formations exist at an atomic level, but we can often notice the effect they have on larger elements, much like the wind. You can’t see the wind, but you can see it carrying leaves or blowing trees.

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    cause and effect You are always in the process of acting
Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect

Closely linked to law number 6 (perpetual transmutation of energy), cause and effect suggest that any action will have an equal and opposing reaction. You may have heard this being referred to as Newton’s Third Law.

Cause and effect suggest something slightly simpler: that there’s no such thing as doing nothing. You are always in the process of acting, one that will alter the world and the universe around you.


The law of compensation is also known by another name: karma. It’s the idea that the positivity or negativity of your actions or thoughts will ultimately return to you. If you put positivity into the world, positive things will happen to you. If you put negativity into the world, then you can expect negative things to come your way.

Relativity Context is important to everything.
The Universal Law of Relativity


The law of relativity states that any action, person, or emotion can only be categorized as positive or negative when seen in comparison to other states.

For example, you may consider winning money to be positive. But what if it causes you to lose all sense of purpose?

Similarly, you may consider yourself to be poor, but then you see someone on the street with no home, food, or warm clothes. Context is important to everything.


The law of polarity states that no matter how positive or negative something may be, it will always have a polar opposite. Think about how much light the brightest star in the universe might give off. Now compare that to the most powerful black hole, which allows no light to escape it whatsoever. Polarity suggests that whenever you’re at a low or negative point in life, you’re capable of reaching the same level in the opposite direction.

Rhythem Patterns Cycles Energy Vibration
Universal Law Rhythem


The law of rhythm is similar to law number 3 (correspondence). Just as everything is part of a larger pattern, everything is also part of a cycle that forms this pattern. Think of the seasons and how we cycle through them all each year. We don’t experience a permanent winter or a never-ending summer. These things come and go, just as your positive or negative states will also change in time.


The last of the universal laws is the law of gender. It suggests that there are always binary forms of energy. The most well-known example of this would be yin and yang, but you could also think about positive and negative energy or masculine and feminine energy.

Universal Law Gender binary energy
Universal Law Gender

Number 12 of the universal laws suggests that even in its binary form, there is always a trace of the opposing energy.

Thank you, for reading groundedpsychic

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By mastering use of vibrational energy via the 12 Universal Laws, your spiritual journey will expand faster then you ever imagined it would.

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