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Are You a Starseed? 20 Signs Your Soul Comes from Another World

Writer's picture: laura zibaleselaura zibalese
20 signs you are a starseed a soul from another world
20 Signs you are a Starseed


The term Starseed represents a soul that is not originally from planet Earth.

They are highly evolved souls that come from a different star, planet, or solar system and have been planted here as a seed to help us collectively grow and bring awareness and positive change to humanity.

Book A Past Life Starseed Reading from and reveal your soul's origins. “The Cosmos is within us. We are made of starstuff. The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars.” – Carl Sagan

Do you feel like you’re from another dimension or another planet? This is one of the top signs you are a Starseed!

A soul with origins on another world.

As you open your heart, raise your vibration, and reconnect with who you are authentically in the present moment, more of the truth about your origin will come to light… One step at a time.

If you answer Yes to most of these signs- You Very Well May Be a Starseed… Keep in mind, this is just a start.

Starseed: 20 Signs You May Be One

1 You didn’t fit in as a child and felt far different from other kids. You may have been advanced as a child in some way like talking, walking, or reading much earlier than your peers.

2 You have a strong feeling of wanting to go home and have a feeling sense of what this “home” is like, even if you can’t put it into words.

Starseeds often see, hear, communicate with or identify with aliens on other worlds.
Starseeds often connect with Aliens.

3 You’ve had strong psychic and paranormal experiences as a child, which continue into the present.

Seeing spirits, seeing the past or the future going beyond the lines of time, having prophetic dreams, seeing UFOs, or having an alien encounter are all somewhat “normal” experiences for Starseeds.

Book A Past Life Starseed Reading from and reveal your soul's origins. 4 You’re highly sensitive (sometimes to what seems a fault).

5 You’re strongly empathic and can feel the emotions of others, and possibly hear their thoughts allowing you to easily read people.

6 Communication may seem slow and sometimes painful for you when you already know what the other person is going to say sometimes before they even do.

7 You have deep inner wisdom, and you feel timeless… Maybe you’ve even had dreams or memories of off-planet seeing past lives and experiences in totally different dimensions and ways of existing.

20 signs you are a starseed with a personal mission
Starseed have a strong sense of their mission

8 You have a strong sense of your personal mission, even if you don’t know what it is yet, you have the burning desire or feeling that you’re meant to do something big.

9 You have intense and vivid dreams that often happen in places and times which are off planet. Some of these dreams are so vivid they seem more real than reality.

Book A Past Life Starseed Reading from and reveal your soul's origins.

10 Small children and babies seem to fascinate you like they’re able to see your uniqueness and your bright light.

11 You have a deep connection with nature, with plants, animals, the physical elements, and you seem to be able to communicate with them to some degree.

12 You don’t fit in with society… Others consider you to be strange, weird, or different and may be somewhat wary of you.

13 You may not have many friends, and those who you do connect with you seem to have a deep and complex relationship that spans time and space.

14 You may feel alienated by your parents and immediate family like they just don’t get you, and you don’t get them. You may have even wondered at times if you were adopted.

Starseeds understand and can create energy and use it to help others.
Starseeds understand Vibrational Energy

15 You’re very aware of energy and how the energy of others can affect you.

16 You’ve likely created energetic protection techniques to be able to handle being around others, and even still large crowds or busy places can energetically overwhelm you.

17 You have natural psychic gifts like channeling or energy healing abilities.

18 You have a deep understanding of the greater workings of the universe and of the Divine which comes from within you.

19 You know you are a Starseed, and your true origin is not as a human. You may even know of a planet, or galaxy in which you’ve spent much of your time.

20 You know you’re here from the stars to serve humanity and the earth in reaching the higher dimensions, and you are actively taking steps to remember more of your soul's truth, and to accomplish your purpose as a star being.

if you said yes to most of these 20 signs of a starseed, then you know that you’re more than just a physical being and that your true essence is as a spiritual light being.

Whether you resonate with being a Starseed or not, you are a spiritual being in physical form with a unique mission and purpose.

Starseeds are on a mission to help humanity and the Earth evolve to higher states of energy and being.
Starseeds come to Earth to help Humanity Evolve.

Star seeds aren’t any more or less special than anyone else, we are all created from the same source, and right here and now is your time to shine.

It is often said that Starseeds have come to planet Earth to help shift humanity toward a higher level of consciousness. Your purpose as a star being is to be a part of this transitional phase of the planet and shed light on the concerning issues.

The world is in a state of flux and a very important step towards remembering more of your soul’s truth is by serving humanity.

Try a Celestial Starseed Past Life Reading by Laura and learn about your lives on other worlds. Book Now

Thank you for reading

Are You a Starseed? 20 Signs Your Soul Comes from Another World

Tel: 619-270-6752

Laura Zibalese

Psychic Medium

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