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The Three Wise Astrologers

Three Wise Astrologers!

Wise men came saying: "Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him." - Matthew 2:2 NKJV For over two thousand years Christians have heard the story of the birth of Jesus Christ and the amazing events that surrounded his arrival. One of these events was the Star of Bethlehem and the three Kings who followed it bearing gifts for the newborn savior.

But who were these wise men we call Kings and Magi?

What was the Star of Bethlehem - what did these men see?!

Well, to be honest, no one really knows! But there are many theories including comets, supernovas, a conjunction of planets, or perhaps something entirely supernatural! An angel with a flashlight?!?!

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Who were these Three Wise Astrologers?

The wise men or Magi came from an area known as Babylon in Mesopotamia then known as Persia, Arabia, and Sheba, which is now in Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. They're often called the 'Three Kings', but the Bible doesn't say how many there were, or that they were even kings! They probably became three due to the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh they brought with them.

The Magi brought gifts.

They were indeed “wise men”. The Magi were “Magupat,” a title given to priests in a sect of the ancient Persian religions such as Zoroastrianism. The word “magic” is derived from the word “magi.” The singular form of "magi" is "magus."

Today we would call them astrologers. In the ancient Near East, at the time of Jesus' birth, astronomy and astrology were part of the same overall studies (and 'science) and went hand in hand.

The Magi charted the stars by following their movements on a nightly basis reading the signs religiously foretelling future events through what we today call astrology. They were highly educated, wealthy men held in high esteem by their own society, as well as, the people of other nations and religious beliefs.

 The Star a sign in the heavens the Astrologers follwed.

When these three wise astrologers/magi saw a mysterious new star in the east, at the first light of dawn, they knew an extraordinary King was to be born in Judea. Their belief in this sign was so strong it compelled them to travel to Jerusalem following the star as the Bible tells us:

“ The star went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.”

The event would have also had to happen over a period of time, from the time the Magi were in Persia to when they had traveled to Israel and met with King Herod. It also had to happen before King Herod died! Most scholars believe Herod's death took place around 4 BCE/BC. Leaving many to believe Jesus was born sometime between 7 and 2 BCE.

For example, In his book The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi, astronomer Michael Molnar gives a well-researched opinion that the Star of Bethlehem appeared in April of 6 B.C. when the planet Jupiter was eclipsed by the Moon in the Sign of Aries. (Keep in mind that astronomers use the Sidereal System for determining the Signs, while most modern Western astrologers use the Tropical System; thus the sign Mr. Molnar calls Aries the sign that most western astrologers would call Pisces.)

Coin showing constilations around the time of Christs birth.

His research began when his hobby of collecting ancient coins with celestial images led him to purchase a Roman coin issued in 6 B.C. which depicted the zodiac symbol for Aries, the Ram, and some images of stars. Molner's research gives a compelling astrological explanation for exactly what the star of Bethlehem was and for placing a more accurate date for the birth of Jesus Christ.

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How many Wise Men or Astrologers came?

How many Wise Astrologers follwed the star?

The Bible does not specify exactly how many magi or "wise men" came to Bethlehem to give gifts to the baby Christ. The widely-held belief in the concept of "The Three Wise Men" may come from the actual mention in Matthew of three gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh and the assumption that each gift came from one of the "wise men".

It has even been perpetuated in the Christmas carol that contains the line: "We Three Kings of Orient are..." The term "Orient" means "the East", i.e. from a land located to the east, as Persia was to the east of the land of Israel.

So while we do not know with certainty how many magi followed the star, it is probably safe to say there were at least three.

How Did The Wise Men Know What the Star Meant?

What did the star of Bethlehem mean

In ancient times, the study and practice of Astrology were restricted to the educated and the elite. The King's astrologers interpreted his natal horoscope and ongoing transits (movements) of the wandering stars (planets) as referring to the affairs of the entire nation. There weren't any "personal" astrologers for the average person then, but only for the King and perhaps some of the wealthy and powerful elite.

Today anyone can learn Astrology and use it to interpret the "signs" in the heavens which tell us the timing of events and issues in our personal lives.

You might find it interesting that in the Book of Genesis, it says God created "Light" on the first day. But the Sun and the stars had not been created yet. They are given a special mention in a passage that follows later. In Chapter 1, Verse 14, God is said to have made the sun and moon and stars for signs" on the fourth day of Creation.

For thousands of years, astrologers have been doing just that - looking "for signs" in the heavens as a way of understanding what is happening or will happen on Earth.

Signs in the stars.

Remember that the heavenly bodies move in ways that are not controlled by man but by a universal Force that many call God. If there are "signs" to be seen in their movements, one could argue that the "signs" are from God, and perhaps that is why their use as "signs" is specifically mentioned in the first chapter of the Bible.

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years... - Genesis 1:14 New King James Version of The Bible

That is what Astrology is all about - interpreting the signs in the motions of the sun, the moon, and "wandering" stars. That is why Kings, Popes, and Presidents have consulted Astrologers throughout history. In ancient times these wise counselors were called Magi (wise men) or Chaldeans since many of the wise men who knew the principles of Astrology were from the land known as Chaldea.

Even Jesus spoke of reading the signs in the stars:

25 "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory." - Luke 21:25-27 NKJV

Follow the Stars!

Here we have Christ making a prophecy, and saying that there will be "signs" in the heavens of His coming, specifically in the sun and moon and stars (i.e. planets). This is clearly about the use of Astrology, and it is given in the words of Christ Himself.

In ancient times, the study and practice of Astrology were restricted to the educated and the elite. These mysteries were kept from the average person even though the Bible tells us to "look for the signs" Today you can learn Astrology and use it to interpret the "signs" in your life or, if you prefer not to spend many years studying, hire a modern day Magi i.e. Astrologer who can interpret the stars for you.

Just as they did 2024 years ago when, as the Bible tells us, the Magi's knowledge of Astrology led them to a sleeping child warped in swaddling cloths who would become a man, a King, and a teacher, unlike any before him or since.

Psychic Laura
Pychic Laura Z.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Thank you for reading,

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