Valentine's Day is almost here, and this year, you want to make sure it's one your love will never forget.
This year to demonstrate your true love and commitment to your partner, to make your love feel like they are the only one for you, you need to put in some real effort.
Chocolates and cards are nice- but is it enough?
Whether you have shared 20 Valentine’s Day or are on your first, it’s the one day of the year set aside just for couples. It’s your chance to relax and set your attention on the one who means the most to you.
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So how did this day of Love start?

The origin of Valentine's Day is steeped in mystery but legend has it that Valentine, a third century Christian Priest, was locked away for trying to help Christians escape from persecution in a Roman prison.
Valentine was visited in his cell by many people who came to hear his wisdom and speak of the love of God. His jailer’s daughter was one of these secret visitors. As their time together each day was short, Valentine would slip her small cards filled with loving messages.
These were the first Valentines cards.
On the day of his execution, he sent his final quickly scribbled card lovingly signed… “Forever in life and death, Your Valentine”
Soon it became a custom on the anniversary of his death to send cards with messages of devotion to those you loved most in the name of Saint Valentine.
Today’s celebrations continue to honor Saint Valentine’s memory by following his example and demonstrating our devotion to the ones we love. While the stores are filled with stuffed teddy bears, heart filled delicacies, and of course, lovely romantic poems expertly inked into countless Valentine’s cards designed to speak to your lovers heart and express your deepest emotions, they are still someone else’s words.

Let this year be the year you express in your own words the deep love, admiration and true commitment you have to the one you love. Put it in little notes around the house, stuffed in their shoe, next to the toothpaste, in their lunch bag. Make a sign, put a message in a bottle, write it on your lover’s windshield!
It doesn’t matter where you put it or if you’re not a poet, if your words are from your heart they will mean more than any store bought Valentine’s Day card ever could. Dig deep, let them know what they really mean to you. Let them know you even find their little faults endearing!
Good Luck and may you all have the most loving Valentine’s Day ever!

Thank you for reading,
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